Cheat Mode Load Super C and watch the FMV sequence until the two main characters start shooting. While they are shooting, perform a soft reset of the Amiga system. At the command line, type in "5|_|P3R C" (It is actually a stylized way of writing Super C.) After entering this command, run the game. Before the game actually begins, a message will prompt you to press t anytime to open up the cheat menu you enabled. You can activate more than one cheat.
Code: | Result: | Former One-Man Army. | Infinite Lives. | Can't Touch This. | Invincibility (you can either choose this or infinite lives, not both). | Quick Game XX | Level Select, where XX represents what level you type from 02-08. | Lucky Start. | On the top-view levels, you have unlimited shell bombs. | Naturally Explosive. | Start each new life with the grenade gun. | Naturally Beamed. | Start each new life with the laser gun. | Naturally Fast. | Start each new life with the machine gun. | Naturally Spread. | Start each new life with the spread gun. | Good Shots | You Gain points faster. |